[Pyogp] Region Access?
Christian Scholz
2008-07-11 10:15:11 UTC

Are those regions listed on the wiki actually accessible from the
outside with their respective ports? telnet here only gives me timeouts.

And in another note: You are supposed to send request_rez_avatar to the
region. Does this happen via some cap or is the URL listed the
request_rez_avatar url (and I get the rez_avatar URL back from that)?

-- Christian
Christian Scholz video blog: http://comlounge.tv
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neue Show: TOPFt?glich (http://mrtopf.de/blog/category/topf-taglich/)
2008-07-11 10:46:54 UTC
The regions listed should work. There is a note above them that says
there are 4 that have been tested and are known to work. The others we
aren't sure about, but should, in theory, work. Also, read the other
note as well. The names don't necessarily match what the wiki says.

request_rez_avatar is an agent domain - region domain (sim) post. The
client should not be doing this. But, if you are talking about your
agent domain getting this and requesting it, then I don't know. There
aren't many docs from the agent domain - region domain communications at
this point. Maybe something I should consider looking into....
Post by Christian Scholz
Are those regions listed on the wiki actually accessible from the
outside with their respective ports? telnet here only gives me timeouts.
And in another note: You are supposed to send request_rez_avatar to
the region. Does this happen via some cap or is the URL listed the
request_rez_avatar url (and I get the rez_avatar URL back from that)?
-- Christian