[Pyogp] special buildout for Mac OSX 10.5.4 and subversion1.5
Christian Scholz
2008-07-21 20:37:29 UTC

I think we hit two problems together, one was the problem with
subversion1.5 using a different .svn/entries format which the recent
setuptools does not understand (setuptools is the tool which installs
python eggs and on which buildout is build).
The other was the traceback given by Infinity on this list which also
looks related to setuptools.

I now played around mainly to fix the subversion 1.5 bug. Somehow for me
this also solved the other problem (which I could reproduce this
weekend). I posted one way to solve it yesterday already, I now created
a more automatic solution for mac users (might work on windows/linux too
but I haven't tested it. Fact is that you need Python2.5 then).

So in order to use it, do the following:


cd libdev
python2.5 bootstrap.py
bin/buildout -v

Then you should be set. For me this works on Mac OSX 10.5.4 with Python

You can then run the tests like this:

1. In one terminal start bin/testserver
2. In another terminal run

bin/test testDocTests

It should run 5 tests.

Hope this helps. If not please send complete tracebacks of buildout -vv


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