Damn, hit Enter accidently too early and sent it.
Post by Lock'a Mail2. Decide about webob
- Tao, convince us
Well, whenever there is a component which somebody already has
programmed I would think we should use it and somebody should actually
convince the rest why we should not use it ;-)
Please also look at the list of already existing Request/Response objects:
Do we really want to add yet another implementation to that list and
confuse people when dealing with such objects?
My proposal would be that I start with using webob and if somebody feels
inclined to do so he/she can implement a replacement. But if we first
implement a replacement then I at least would be blocked with the
networking layer.
Post by Lock'a Mail- look at webob and determine if it's something we can't whip up ourselves
- list benefits/disadvantages (for this and for other things, such as
doing it ourselves)
3. Find out about teleport with public beta
- what needs to be done to teleport? is it based on teleport strawman?
OpenSim seems not to use request_rez_avatar at the moment. The data
structure of rez_avatar also seems slightly different than defined in
the strawman (mainly the whole dict is wrapped into a dict in an
'agent_params' key).
Post by Lock'a Mail4. OGP tests
- should be starting to write documentation on the Login (just login?)
protocols and how
they should be tested (Infinity has started on this. Link to the page?)
- should be tests for agent domain - region domain (sim) communication.
In particular, we should
have tests written for request_rez_avatar
- auth.py tests?
Do you mean test harness here? I think we should move all those tests
which rely on outside servers to test harness and make those servers
configurable. No idea how right now but there should be some solution.
As for the pyogp tests I would like to have those self-contained, which
means that no external server should be needed. Right now to run my
doctests you have to start a mockup server via bin/testserver but I hope
to get rid of this soon and make it fully automatable.
Goal should be that the tests run at all times (all tests) without any
extra setup.
Post by Lock'a Mail5. Collaborate with Interop
- we need to get in contact with interop more to get more detailed
information about what they
want and how they intend to use Pyogp
6. Start on messaging system
- find out the true scope of the messages that will be sent, the ways
we need to serialize, what components we will need to get this done
(Builder, Parser, Reader)
- write tests for how we want this to be used (this may be hard at this
point because we don't
know scope)
- write tests for the current parser
- refactor the parser to follow the "NEW" coding standard we adopted
*- network layer swapability*
7. Agent Domain
- Tao has been working on writing an agent domain
- blocked by his inability to connect to our regions
Now blocked by maybe some bug in the OpenSim code which makes rez_avatar
only to work once. After that my user is known and some exception is
raised. The question is: Whom to ask? Is there collaboration going on
between OpenSim and IBM? Who does know more details about the patch and
how is integration of it into OpenSim going along?
(maybe a topic for gridnauts?)
Post by Lock'a Mail8. Task tracking
- pjira, or some other form
9. Refactor the wiki
- what part of the wiki is poor as it currently is?
- reword the stuff in the test harness page to make it clear that we
won't be building a framework, but simply using a framework
(PyUnit, doctest, py.test) to create test suites for both the
client lib AND servers running OGP protocols
- check out Enus' layout
*10. Test harness
- get testing set up for the test harness (similar to bin\test)
- move test_ogplogin.py to the test harness side*
I think test_request_rez_avatar should go there aswell. Esp. as it's not
working for me at all as I am outside your firewall and no connection is
Tasks I would have:
- Write down best practices for development
- Get the network layer implemented on a branch
- Clean up the serialization layer before we add more things which needs
it (get rid of ICredentialSerialzer and instead use a generic
ISerialization interface)
So much for my remarks.
Good list :-)
-- Christian
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