[Pyogp] pyogp meeting schedules
Enus Linden
2008-09-30 14:00:31 UTC
Hi all!

I'd like to ask for thoughts concerning the current pyogp meetings as
scheduled. We have:

MW 9:30 ~30 minute status checkin
F 9:30 ~60 minute strategy/planning discussions (aka Enus'
office hours)

I'm finding it hard to make the status meetings, and wonder if we can
simply use the mailing list more frequently, and can cover all the
discussions we need at the Friday meeting?

I'm totally fine if we prefer to keep the Monday and Wednesday meetings
running, this would serve as notice that I often won't be there if they
continue :)

Meadhbh S. Hamrick
2008-09-30 20:01:07 UTC
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