[Pyogp] indra.base and indra.util now on PyPI
Christian Scholz
2008-07-21 21:32:41 UTC

I just took a snapshot of indra.base and indra.util and made them two
separate eggs (because base needs util, I also put this requirement into
setup.py so that util should be installed automatically when you install

I put this in the indra/ folder on the svn repository as this is easier
to manage then. I also created a buildout around it (also in that
folder) and even wrote a test for indra.base (which you can run via the
buildout as bin/test).

Both packages have been uploaded to PyPI now:

I will update the buildout tomorrow to make use of these packages so
that we can get rid of the svn checkouts during the buildout and will
also be able to make releases should we someday get into a state in
which it makes sense (hopefully soon after beta starts).

-- Christian
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