[Pyogp] Introduction
Christian Scholz
2008-07-20 07:41:29 UTC

I wanted to propose to maybe do some introductions as it's always good
to know who you are talking to. So if you want to, maybe join me :)

Here's mine:

My name is Christian Scholz aka Tao Takashi in Second Life. I am based
in Aachen, Germany where I co-founded COM.lounge (http://comlounge.net),
a company doing Python/Plone/Zope/SecondLife-Consulting. We are solving
our problems with Open Source solutions whereever we can and we are also
participating in Open Source communities such as the Plone community.

I am also active in the DataPortability Project (and joined the steering
group of it just recently) which's aim is to make data (on e.g. social
networks) more portable and give the user control over their data (as
compared to the services which have this control right now). This is
done from a policy point of view and a technology point of view.

I am also blogging/podcasting/videoblogging at http://mrtopf.de/blog
about all sorts of topics (in german and english).

In Second Life I did many things like building, scripting, some fashion,
starting http://worldofsl.com, blogging about it (now merged with
mrtopf.de), helping with RFL and SL3B, doing machinima and so on.

My interest in OGP is based on many reasons. First of all doing a HTTP
for the 3D internet is of course a project you just want to be part of
:-) Esp. if you can also implement something for it in Python (hence me
being part of the pyogp project).
And then of course decentralization is where all those new services
these days need to go to be successful in the long term (also the reason
for DataPortability). So congratulations to Linden Lab to go that route!
(another reason though is also my dissatisfaction with some Linden Lab
decisions like the change in the trademark policy which made me think
that choice is also good).

My goals for pyogp should be clear: Creating a robust library for OGP in
Python which in the end can hopefully do support all three areas: Region
Domain, Agent Domain and Client.

-- Christian / Tao
Christian Scholz video blog: http://comlounge.tv
COM.lounge blog: http://mrtopf.de/blog
Luetticher Strasse 10 Skype: HerrTopf
52064 Aachen Homepage: http://comlounge.net
Tel: +49 241 400 730 0 E-Mail ***@comlounge.net
Fax: +49 241 979 00 850 IRC: MrTopf, Tao_T

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